973-299-8237 (voix) 973-334-4953 (fax)
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À propos d'Acustrip
Humble Beginnings

Acustrip was born out of a desire to start a business and an opportunity provided by the historical volatility of antifreeze coolant pricing. The idea that a simple antifreeze coolant test could be made available for the consumer or service provider at an affordable price drove the development of Acustrip. Service providers greatly valued the fact that our test strips provided a visible indication of the condition of antifreeze coolant thus allowing the consumer to make an informed maintenance decision on the spot and increasing ticket sales.
Acustrip soon realized that the heavy-duty truck market was more interested than consumers in making coolant testing a part of their preventative maintenance program. As a result, Acustrip developed and produced a series of test strips in cooperation with a major antifreeze coolant additive provider. It was not long before automotive service providers saw the benefit of having independent third-party help with cooling system maintenance decisions.
Acustrip now markets these test strips as a tool for truck stop service providers and truck fleet managers as well as antifreeze OEMs and engine manufacturers. In addition, Acustrip is a major supplier of antifreeze coolant as well as brake fluid make-up water and DEF diagnostics tests.
Acustrip Management
Ron Schornstein is the President and CEO of Acustrip Company. He is an entrepreneur with over 30 years of global experience in Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Customer Service, Operations, Sales and Project Management. Ron has lead organizations through start up, sales, mergers, acquisitions and processes improvements often involving the invention and implementation of new technologies. Ron is a sought-after speaker and has published work on Six Sigma, Process Improvement through Teams, Mind Mapping, Patient Assistance, PAP, Sample Management and Compliance, SAP Program Management, Master Production Planning, Customer Relationship Management and Customer Service.
Ron is a CPIM, ATM, Certified Project Manager and Six Sigma Black Belt. He is also proud to be an Eagle Scout.
Manufacturing Process
Acustrip is a family owned and operated business. All test strips are proudly manufactured in the United States. Our main office is located in New Jersey.
Partner With Acustrip to Win the Fight Against Corrosion

The Acustrip 2050-4 Series CTS-4 is one of our most popular selling test strips. This four way test strip measures Nitrite, Molybdate, Freeze Point and pH in all glycol-based coolants. It is available in bottles or complete kit form. More Info
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Please consult our list of distributeurs internationaux for international orders.

Acustrip 1550
FreezePoint – RA – pH