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Acustrip Introduces Hydrocarbon Seed Package

Acustrip Company, Inc. has announced the availability of their popular hydrocarbon test is a new display-ready seed package design. Read the Full Press Release.

Acustrip Provides Multilingual Ads

As part of its continuing commitment to meeting the needs of an expanding global market, Acustrip has begun providing ads in multiple languages. Our most recent advertisement is available in Spanish そして Japanese as well as English.

System Maintenance Tips From the Pros

Steve Bodofsky explains the importance of testing for coolant contamination in automatic transmission fluid and describes the ease of testing using Acustrip test strips in this article. He also provides a coolant system primer along with Mark Puccinelli in this article.

Coolant System Maintenance

This article in Fleet Equipment Magazine contains a coolant system maintenance checklist. The author recommends the use of our Shell Rotella test strips to check the coolant corrosion inhibitor levels of your ELC.

Acustrip Introduces Coolant in ATF Test

ACUSTRIP Company, Inc is proud to announce a new diagnostic test to detect Antifreeze Coolant in Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF). Previously available only by special order, the ACU711254 test is now available to the general public. More Info . . .

Acustrip Introduces Ethanol in Fuel Test

Acustrip Company, Inc. has announced the availability of a new kit to test for ethanol in gasoline. The kit was designed to aid consumers who want to protect their warranties by avoiding fuel that contains over 10% ethanol. The Acustrip ethanol test kit (part # 987600) includes everything you need for 5 evaluations with refills available. Read the Full Press Release.

Acustrip Presents DEF QA at ASTM Symposium

Ron Schornstein, President and CEO of Acustrip Company, Inc., along with Jess Starkey of DEF QA Testing presented DEF QA on the Spot at the ASTM Symposium on Global Testing of Extended Service Engine Coolants and Related Fluids. Their presentation on Thursday May 23, 2013, was part of an announcement of a new line of upcoming products.

ISO 22241 establishes concentration and purity levels for urea and ISO 3696 establishes and purity levels for water used for dilution. Distributors of formulated DEF and end users must have an inbound quality assurance program in place.

High purity urea is required for DEF. A major contaminant is Biuret at a 0.3% maximum level. DEF QA testing has been developed with ACUSTRIP in cooperation with key suppliers to the DEF Marketplace. Manufacturers, distributors and end users can manage the quality of the DEF through its lifecycle by use of the upcoming Acustrip product.

Acustrip offers the new DEF QA on the Spot kit for easy testing. It is currently available as the Acustrip 480508 Series in kit form or bottles. Please contact Acustrip for press kits or additional information.

Media Contacts

Acustrip is happy to work with any media outlet that would like to know more about our products and how they work. Contact us for press kits, personal appearance request, etc.

アクストリップ 2050-4
亜硝酸塩 - モリブデン酸塩
グリコール - pH
