973-299-8237(音声) 973-334-4953(ファックス)

Customer Testimonials
Acustrip’s Coolant Test strips have been a big hit with our customers. Fleet managers and service providers consistently tell us of the profitable results that are obtained when customers can see the condition of their automotive fluid by the color change on our test strips. This provides proof positive of service requirements and allows the service managers to create customer loyalty on the spot.
Acustrip 40132 for use in PEAK Final Charge . . .
Acustrip supplies the 40132 Series Carboxylate Inhibitors Test strips to Peak for use in their FINAL CHARGE Global Extended Life Coolant/Antifreeze Inhibitor Level Test. The video on Peak’s web site demonstrates how quick, easy and accurate the 40132 test strips are.
Gary from Little Falls Transmission says . . .
We have found that using test strips to evaluate the vital fluids have enabled us to identify previously missed service needs. We have been able to address the service needs with our customers, resulting in improved service and significantly increased sales. The increased sales make a real difference.
Brian of Wynn's Canada says . . .
Using the Acustrips is a quick, cost effective way of determining whether a cooling service is required and selling the service to the consumer. Read his entire review.
C.L. of Boston, MA says . . .
The ACUSTRIP Test Strips made my business successful, improving antifreeze coolant service by more than 10,000/month. The customers liked being able to see the test strip results.
Bill of Iowa says . . .
The ACUSTRIP antifreeze coolant test strips make my life easier, I can quickly evaluate the condition of the coolant of my farm equipment.
Gary of New Jersey says . . .
We test every vehicle’s fluids that comes thru our Bay. Customers now ask to see their vehicle’s test strip.
The Car Doctor says . . .
Ron Schornstein has been a guest of Ron Ananian on The Car Doctor radio show discussing the importance of testing a vehicle’s antifreeze coolant. Ananian recommends that service providers let the bottle do the talking to the customer about the condition of the antifreeze coolant.
Other Customers Have Told Us . . .
- ACUSTRIP enables our Digitally Enhanced Vehicle Inspection.
- With ACUSTRIP we are implementing a process that incorporates our automated inspection with routine service procedures which will easily identify opportunities for up-sells that a service advisor’s habits and limitations could easily miss. The precise nature of testing and captured high resolution images encourages better service and decision making.
- We know that customers have developed a distrust of service advisors who “sell” even when the service advisor has good intentions. With the ACUSTRIP automatic, process driven inspection the service advisor makes recommendations on process and data – readily available to the customer. When the inspection is performed routinely each time the vehicle enters the service department, a trust is established with the consumer based upon consistency and reliability.
- Using ACUSTRIP helps the customer to see that the same inspection is performed regularly when their vehicle enters the service department, establishing trust based upon consistency and reliability.
- When our customers ask how we know we need to service the fluids, we tell them we use the test-strip key, and then show them the test results on the spot.
Acustrip Test Strips Pay for Themselves
An Ounce of Prevention
For every dollar you spend in coolant maintenance, you can save over thirty seven dollars in cooling system repair. Acustrip Coolant Test Strips pay for themselves many times over, providing you with ultimate value in vehicle maintenance.
Acustripのテスト結果を顧客に見せることで、収益を増やすことができます。 テスト結果は、必要なメンテナンスを視覚的に証明します。顧客の信頼とロイヤルティを高めるのに、これ以上の方法はありません。

アクストリップ 1550
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