973-299-8237(음성) 973-334-4953(팩스)
테스트 스트립 분야에서 가장 신뢰받는 이름

Acustrip Customer Service
Here at Acustrip we believe that customer service is the single most important aspect of our business. Our business is rooted in our commitment to help your business grow. Whether you are a distributor, service or fleet manager, or a DIYer, we are here to answer your questions and help solve problems. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you have about our products or how we can be of service to you.
개인정보 보호정책
Our privacy policy is quite simple. We respect your right to privacy and have taken steps to protect your sensitive information. That’s why we use the latest technology in software encryption and security to safely process your online orders. In addition, we do not share our customer lists or mailing list with anyone outside of our company. All information you submit to Acustrip is used solely by Acustrip to better serve you as our customer. Read our full privacy policy.
All orders are shipped regular UPS land freight added, Net 30 days from date of shipment with approved credit. Next day delivery with extra charges added is available. All orders usually ship within two business days.
International Shipping
International orders are a minimum of $500 FOB our location in NJ. We will invoice FOB NJ, and ship via your carrier upon receipt of payment via wire. We can not accept payment via credit cards for International orders and a wire fee is included on the invoice. Please consult our list of international distributors 해외 주문의 경우
Quantity discounts are available. Call for discounts on larger quantities.
ACUSTRIP is committed to superb service, from your initial call through your delivery. Our success came from repeat customers and referrals from past customers. Our goal is to continue creating lifetime partnerships with our customers. Your happiness and satisfaction are the foundation of our success.
- We will gladly replace any defective merchandise and cover all shipping costs. Please notify us immediately for arrangements. Errors must be reported within 5 days after receipt of product.
- Product returns will only be accepted upon prior written approval from ACUSTRIP. Each request for return will be considered on a case by case basis.
- Product may be returned for credit less shipping charges and a 20% restocking fee within 30 days from the date of shipment. Product must be in original container and in undamaged condition. No cash or check refunds, only credit towards future orders. Custom or private labeled product is not returnable.
- All returns must be in writing and require an authorization from ACUSTRIP. Product will be shipped with Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) Form to ACUSTRIP freight pre-paid within 20 days of the authorization. Return will not be accepted after 20 days or if freight is not prepaid.
- ACUSTRIP Company, Inc. reserves the right to issue final determination regarding all returns. The terms and conditions of sale set forth here take precedence over all previous arrangements or agreements without exception.
- ACUSTRIP offers to replace, or refund the purchase price of, any product that it manufactures, or has manufactured for it, in defective condition, or that, as sold by ACUSTRIP, does not meet ACUSTRIP-specified performance standards. This is the exclusive remedy for loss of profits and for damages of any nature, including indirect, special and consequential, relating to any such products.
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Acustrip 1550
프리즈포인트 - RA - pH
(Color corrected test key)

The Acustrip 2050-4 Series CTS-4 is one of our most popular selling test strips. This four way test strip measures Nitrite, Molybdate, Freeze Point and pH in all glycol-based coolants. 자세한 정보